Kash EhsanCoupon Codes and Checkout WoesAdding a coupon code feature to a checkout process: how hard could it be?Sep 10, 2020Sep 10, 2020
Kash EhsanProduct Demos on a ShoestringAdding Director, Producer, and Editor to my SkillsSep 5, 2020Sep 5, 2020
Kash EhsanFlexibility: underrated, very neededThis is a a bit of a sequel to my earlier post about usability testing and gathering insights at my UX internship. As I mentioned, the…Aug 30, 2020Aug 30, 2020
Kash EhsanOverwhelmed by InsightsFeedback is great — but what if you have too much?Jul 26, 2020Jul 26, 2020
Kash EhsanUser Centered, not Designer Centered DesignEven if you fit the user persona, you’re not designing for yourselfJul 17, 2020Jul 17, 2020
Kash EhsanRemote User Testing for Mobile: Getting CreativeWhen in person testing is impossible, how can we cheaply test mobile apps?Jul 9, 2020Jul 9, 2020